Susan, and Anne, save travels and peace to you both. You're in my thoughts and prayers. And Susan, what Trudy said about what other people think.
Study went on against the backdrop of my brother killing demons, messily.
Okay, look. When you post things like that to an audience of Buffy fans, it evokes pictures, you know? It evokes pictures that probably have very little to do with reality. Also--and I apologize for this from the bottom of my heart--for a moment, in my head, the part of billytea was played by Michelle Trachtenberg. The plus side? You had very shiny hair.
t /get out Get Out GET OUT
Her: "Why is it so important to you whether or not it's a date?"
Me: "It's not. It's important to me that I kiss you."
billytea, this is an Oz-in-the-van-in-Innocence quality line. I don't even want to call it a line--probably wouldn't have, if you hadn't been posting pick-up lines over the last few days. But really, this is lovely.
In good news, my mother's only question on receiving the "I'm GAY" letter was "Well then why do you read those awful trashy romance novels?".
meara, that's an important question, and I think it deserves an answer! :) Seriously, this was nice to read. Also? What Hil said. If these anti-b's are making you sick, you might need another kind. You might not even be getting enough of them into your bloodstream. Please call the doctor and tell him/her.
"No, no, it's because of those awful trashy novels. They turned me. They can do that."
This epitomizes what I both love and hate about catching up with a thread after the fact, here. I so wanted to be the one to say that, brenda.
the wee Scottish lass (who was probably a witch or something, and had purple eyes, etc etc) was bathing naked in a stream, and was seduced by a lynx (I think it was like, licking her).
I'm not sure whether I should snerk, eww, or BWAH at this, so ... consider all three done, as I scrub my brain with Clorox.
billytea, this is an Oz-in-the-van-in-Innocence quality line. I don't even want to call it a line--probably wouldn't have, if you hadn't been posting pick-up lines over the last few days. But really, this is lovely.
Aww. I'm blushing again. I love the Oz-line. And now you mention it, she'd promised to show me some of her pick-up lines, and never delivered! Except that her asking "Am I good enough for you?" made me all melty. She's pretty feisty and happy to give me heaps, we've had more than one verbal sparring match (all in good fun of course), she knows her own value and she's confident within herself, and then suddenly she makes herself completely vulnerable to me.
Awww...billytea. That's just...awwww.
we've had more than one verbal sparring match
But....weren't you saying the other day that you *didn't* like this? Or did I misunderstand?
In good news, my mother's only question on receiving the "I'm GAY" letter was "Well then why do you read those awful trashy romance novels?".
Good that she reacted so well. Though extra points if she'd realized that awful trashy romance novels aren't limited to opposite-sex couples.
(I thought it was that he
enjoy the verbal sparring matches, so long as they weren't the only setting available for discourse.)
But....weren't you saying the other day that you *didn't* like this? Or did I misunderstand?
Fay has the right of it. I really need someone who'll challenge me some of the time, but not most of the time. We have to relax into each other too.