I still feel eco-guilt every.single.diaper.
Raq, considering you're in an area of the world where the water and sewage systems are a little behind the US, I'd say you were making a good decision. It's a trade off, really. There's no such thing as no-eco-footprint diapers no matter what choice you make.
Me, I'm just lazy. I have very little guilt about that.
Paging Lyra Jane! Please pick up the white courtesy phone in terminal A....
I mailed off the imp of Obeah to you this afternoon. The Post Office computer says it should be there Friday, so keep an eye out.
I would totally design a treehouse for Emmett. He needs lots of little windows and peepholes. Superhero Pirates always need to be on the lookout.
Awesome. I will watch for it and report back on its playdough-ness, Karma-ness, or combination thereof. Thanks again.
I lost any fear I had of washing cloth diapers when I dealt with a few spectacular containment failures and the dirty Onesies that resulted from said failures.
I am also lazy, which is why our experiment will involve 6 AIOs, 2 Fitted almost AIOs, and a bunch of prefolds to make up the difference. Oh, and liners. Flushable liners.
Stephanie gave me cloth advice, which helped.
AIOs? Also, do you have some of those little velcro covers for the diapers that make the folding easier and eliminate the need for pins?
Assuming those aren't AIOs, which for all I know they could be.
While she's been a relatively good Big Boss, I don't actually think it's necessary for us to do anything besides say "Congrats! Happy for you!" because recognition in the form of monetary output should come from the top down not the bottom up. Am I being petty on this point?
Nope. A card would be nice, but I don't know if I'd bother with that, even. I've readily chipped in cash for colleagues who have been robbed of vast sums of cash/lost possessions in bombings, but chipping in cash for colleagues to celebrate the fact that they've just been granted more cash & a title by the ptb = crazy. "Well done, you," is plenty.
I'd like to see the person who milks those tigers.
Ah, no, iirc the kid in the story grabs a tiger by the tail, or the tiger grabs its own tail, or something, and it runs round and round and round in circles until it eventually melts into nothing but a pool of ghee. Which the kid's mum promptly uses in pancake making, and so in the end they eat the tiger, rather than the other way around. Not so much tiger-milking involved, which is undoubtedly a relief to all of the family. Again, I cannot overstate how horrifically unPC the book is - think Al Jolson. But when I was 5, it was just another story on a par with
Peter Rabbit.
Wrod. And if you were my teacher, Fay, I believe our days around here would get awfully full of "Ms. Jay says this..." and "That's how Ms. Jay does it." because as a student I had a hero-worship problem and because I quote you all the time, aifg.
Ten Housepoints for Erika!
Again, I cannot overstate how horrifically unPC the book is
feels bad for really liking that book as a kid