We discussed it early on, and decided that we were going to do disposables for at least the newborn period when they're going through 70-100 diapers a week, and then switch to cloth when she was more settled, because cloth-clad babies are easier to potty train than disposable-clad ones.
She then got stuck on a size that we can't get bulk (2, instead of the 1-2), which has caused a 3-5 cent per diaper cost increase from initial projections. So, I figure, we get her into cloth and stop buying for more than the occasional outing, and save some money.
She has a new title and not more money?
She got some more money, too. Not nearly as much as she should have, but that's her own damn fault, a result of some really bad decisions she made.
Heather, you're hubby sounds like he's being wonderful through all of this. Have you asked him why he thinks you'd be happy doing one thing over another? I know my hubby is all about listening when I'm struggling with the decisions, but every once in a while it really helps to hear, "Because you're so good at X!" Then I can say, "Yes, I am -- I knew that!" and move forward.
Epic, I'm too tired to proof the letter for errors, but I don't think it sounds loony.
Saturday, we're having a Cloth Diaper Experiment day. If we can deal with them, we will probably make the switch for all but outings.
If you stand close enough, you can hear the granola starting to encase my whole body...
Hee! Are you going to look into a diaper service, or do all the laundering yourself?
Hey P-C - have you had the interview-thingie yet?
I've heard people counter the disposable diapers are evil with the impact of continually cleaning cloth diapers. But I don't know how it would look on a graph. Same with fuel consumption from air conditioning vs. increased drag of driving with the windows open.
I smell a Mythbusters Challenge!
(has anyone claimed Jaimie as their Seekrit Mythbuster Boyfriend? Because I lurrrrve him. "Quack, damn you!")
I think he thinks I'd be happy doing either thing. Part of the problem is that I did so many things, and did them fairly well, at a very young age, so I really have no one thing I've always wanted. I have built 2 storey tree houses complete with rudimentary plumbing, I've written and produced stage plays, I've designed whole season collections, I've gardened and cooked, I've cared for and ridden horses, and I've been involved in and interested in politics since I was 12. I was good at and enjoyed all of those things.
I blame my mother and my grandparents. Horrible "you can do anything" "Here I'll teach you" people.
Same with fuel consumption from air conditioning vs. increased drag of driving with the windows open.
On the highway over 45mph, A/C is better. Around the city, windows are better.
Horrible "you can do anything" "Here I'll teach you" people.
Darn them! Darn them to heck!
Seriously, the 2-story, plumbed tree-house sounds amazing.
Around the city, windows are better
There's no way I could drive around my city in the summer with the windows open. The exhaust fumes coupled with just sitting in the Texas heat would murder me.
Better for fuel economy, not better for the driver.