Susan, that is a wonderful tribute. I just loved it. Thank you for sharing it, and thank D. for writing it.
There are many phrases I loved, but I think I liked "a man from the time when men were made of iron and ate coffee and drank eggs" the very best.
My husband waxes eloquent about my dad
Oh, Susan, that's lovely.
You are a smitten kitten, my friend. In deep smit.
Susan, Dylan is a gorgeous writer himself, isn't he? Your dad sounds like someone I would have liked very much, had I met him. And the picture was wonderful. That's one to keep for Annabel.
Raq, Hec's advice is what I would have given. At least, the corn syrup part. We used a tablespoon of corn syrup in 8 oz of formula whenever needed and it worked just fine. All my babies needed it and none of them seem to have been harmed by it.
Huh. Interesting x-post with Cindy. I had no idea.
Raq: Re Hec's advice, you're not supposed to give either corn syrup or honey to children under one year of age. Both contain Botulism spores which older children and adults kill off, no problem, but infants don't always have the necessary enzymes or whatever.
You are a smitten kitten, my friend. In deep smit.
Yep. Met her for the first time tonight. There's doomage afoot.
Susan, Dylan is a gorgeous writer himself, isn't he?
Oh, absolutely. I keep trying to make him sit down and write some of the ideas for short stories and novels he keeps having. Totally different from anything I'd write, of course--he starts from the idea or theme, while I build from characters. He once spent half an hour over dinner explaining his idea for a sort of half-dystopian, half-utopian future world. Absolutely fascinating worldbuilding, but when I asked him who the protagonist was and what the plot would entail, he didn't know that part yet.
Your dad sounds like someone I would have liked very much, had I met him. And the picture was wonderful. That's one to keep for Annabel.
It's one of the last of the two of them together. It struck me, when we were home in June, how Annabel would be content to sit quietly in his lap when she had no patience for that with anyone else. She'll sidle up to you for comfort or a brief cuddle every so often, but she'd rather run and explore than snuggle, on the whole. But somehow she knew that Dad was in no shape to chase her or romp with her on the floor, and that her presence was comforting to him.
You are a smitten kitten, my friend. In deep smit.
Yep. Met her for the first time tonight. There's doomage afoot.
So....details! Spill, please.
my sad little brain is overwhelmed by all it's "doing" without the body. Also? Because so much of my work now involves so little physical work, I feel like a giant slacker, even when I'm doing (that is--when I have caused to happen) 5 things at once.
yup. When DH is getting overwhelmed by the world - I ask him when was the last time he ran? Or went for a walk. It gives him perspective. For me to. Most of my gardening is manual - no power tools. It help immensly in my state of mind, my diabetes management, and general physical health. We are 90 odd % water - we are made to move ( think about what happpens to sill water) and it is one of those tasks that when I am in the garden , I am in the garden. - yes a load of laundry might be in the washer - but gardening is what I am doing. so my brain gets to stay in one place for a while.
hey, no fair getting more adorable fay!
and now I am going to read Dylan's tribute.
the last line - wow. very nice. I think I learned a lot about your father Susan, in that very short piece.