I like Worrul.
Many vibes for Connie, dh and health team.
LJ, that sucks, but I'm glad you're able to recover from it.
I've been working but I finally caught up. Very interesting conversation in here the last couple of days.
I had my boys circumsized because my dad isn't and had an issue in his teens that I won't describe, and a second cousin who was in the hospital being circumsized at the age of 4--at the same time I was in having Nick--because his foreskin grew completely shut.
sj, I hope you're feeling better today. Askye, I hope annoying coworker finally grew up a little bit and I'm sending much ma for your family.
eta the other thing: I like the name Raquel and I should win... just because.
Jilli, what Mrs. -t Rorrorrorruwp, said. Dolls may be fun to look at, but pretty Jilli is so much better.
Meanwhile: Dear Professor Trying-to-be-Sneaky, I have seen the emails about the elevator not working. Please do not ask me to "just run something up" to your office on the seventh floor. It is not going to happen.
My ex-husband just came by to drop off some things of mine I finally have the space for. He casually mentioned that he's moving to a new place, too. Turns out he bought a condo.
And I'm totally wrecked by this. Because we bought a condo once, together, and it was the biggest deal of our life together. We loved that place from the moment we set eyes on it, much the same way we fell in love, and it was our home.
And now he's going to have another home, another place that he loves, without me. His new girlfriend will help him decorate, redo the kitchen, and make a garden out of the driveway (all things he's planning).
When we were both renting it seemed like we were on more equal footing; both of us rootless, both of us nowhere near the solidity of the life we shared. And now... Another way in which he's moved on and I haven't. Can't.
He even used the same mortgage broker we used together.
God, I just wasn't expecting this at all.
((Jen)) Man, wish I had something to offer.
Besides my brand-new snotty tag.
Umm....if a UTI stops hurting when you pee but your lower back starts hurting, that's pretty much Kidney Infection, Ahoy! right?
Vibes for connie, DH and doctors.
Oh, Jen, how sucky. Many hugs for you too.
Pretty close, Aimee. Yikes!