sj, I envy you your relationship, and I think it's cool to have someone you care about so much.
Thanks. I hope you find someone who truly appreciates the amazing woman that is Fay very soon. It's funny because I alternate between what I consider a serious adult relationship and feeling like a schoolgirl who is in love for the first time, because I have never really been in a relationship before. It's fun and wonderful, and I am trying not to take a minute of it for granted. We had a little argument the other night. It was nothing big more of a Mars/Venus kind of misunderstanding, where neither of us was understanding what the other was trying to say, and, even after we made up, I felt so sick about it.
Also, damn straight with the not-regretting-the-travel thing. I'm only sorry you needed to sit down and peruse the magazine for such a shitty reason.
Thanks. There's very little I would trade my travel memories for: landing in Heathrow airport for the first time, going to Austen's home at Chawton, seeing the statue of David in person, ect. These are things I hope never to forget.