That's great, askye. But this bit "because the editorial was poorly written and researched" I think I'd take out or at least move it to the end. Make your case first (which you do very well) or I think some people would hit that line and think 'crackpot'.
But go you! That was a purely appalling editorial and I'm glad you're stepping up.
What brenda said, askye. Excellent rebuttal.
Great letter, askye, but I think you should take out the part that brenda quoted. You make that point quite well with evidence without needing to state it explicitly.
Dave is getting aggravated because I insist on booing A-Rod despite the fact that he is part of the team we are cheering for tonight.
I just made a room reservation for Dragon*Con. Eep. First con.
I had a blast at DragonCon last year. Be sure to take a camera!
Oh, how I suck. Let me count the ways... The latest? Emily thinks she's coming home to one of her favorite dinners. I, unfortuantely, have decided that the chili, the key ingredient in chili-baked potatoes, is no longer any good. So, I've ordered pizza as I am too exhausted to think about making anything else for dinner.
So, apparently it's just a night of suckitude. If you've ever thought I suck for any reason at all, this would be a good time to share it. Seems it's in the air tonight.
I'm going to take out the line Brenda suggested. I still have
Your closing paragraphs again highlight your lack of research for this editorial.
Which is probably enough.
Oh, askye, that's a wonderful letter. Go you!
Great letter, askye. One typo I noticed (and I know getting line-edits when you just want a beta can be a sore spot for some folks, but I can just tell that this cow you're responding to is
the sort of person to pounce on a typo, roll her eyes forever, and feel smugly justified in ignoring your letter. She's just that kind of a cow.): Last sentence of the fourth paragraph (the first really long one), "diagnosis" should be "diagnosed."
Other than those two letters at the end of that one word, smart and articulate and beautifully angry and focused. I hope she reads your letter and is thoroughly ashamed of herself.
Also, all kinds of -ma to your mom and aunt, and you and your grandma, and Asshat Uncle can go suck an egg.
Seems to me suckitude is NO dinner waiting. Pizza (which is yummy) instead of chili is not even on the suckitude scale.
Camera to take photos of the wonders of geekitude. Check.
I'm not fazed by much in this life, but I can imagine myself staring, slack-jawed in wonder at Dragon*Con.
I'm going to need a roomie of the non-smoking, non-snoring, non-axe murdery type. If anybody knows anybody, let me know!
(Room is 3 blocks from the venue)