Aw, askye, that's so hard to deal with on so many levels: the illness, the responsibility/grown-up issues, the parental fear. But I'm reminded again of how much incredibly difficult stuff you've worked your way through in the last few years. You're up on my Big Damn Hero shelf right next to vw.
It's just getting paid off next month.
Congrats, Calli! That's got to be an amazing feeling.
I may finally be getting mine down in the next couple of years -- my grandfather's estate is still being worked through, but it looks like there will be small inheritances for all his grandchildren. Mine won't quite wipe out my debt, but it'll get it down to a tiny, manageable, cosolidate-it-and-clear-it-away-in-a-year level. Which is such a huge gift, and a blessing, and is going to make the next few years of lifebuilding and familybuilding with Hec much less panic-stricken.
I still wish to goodness I hadn't been so stupid with the cards as to need to use my Cappy's inheritance, but still, it's a blessing.
I think I'm about average in credit card debt. It seems like every time I get close to paying one off, something else happens where I need to use them.
We have no credit card debt since we paid the treadmill off last month.
However, we do have an impressive student loan debt. Very impressive.
In continued shopping news: GUH. Should I?
I had some out of control credit cards that I finally paid off after years of struggling with them. Now I have one, that used to have a tiny limit but recently got increased. It's crept up to higher than I'm comfortable with, but not out of hand. I really want to get it back down again. My brother's maybe-wedding and the money I owe the IRS will probably nix that, but I should be able to do it over the next five or six months.
In continued shopping news: GUH. Should I?
Yes. HMOG, yes.
Okay, off I go to the coffee meeting w/ the hiring manager. Eeep!
That's gorgeous, juliana. (eta: Luck, Jilli!)
My grandmother left us in the position of putting her cremation on my visa. Who waits to buy ins. until they are 85?!
Juliana you should get the corset coat.