The test was 60% essay; 40% multiple choice. I felt I did well on the MC, but it's hard to tell. On the essays, I felt like I really nailed at least 6, I was completely clueless and just made up some law (hopefully not too far from the real law) on 2 and I felt pretty decent on the remaining 4. Hopefully, it was enough. My guess is I passed, but I'm not positive.
The breastfeeding worked out fine. They let me leave the pump at the front. It took them 2 hours and 45 minutes to start the first day. Luckily, I had used pump about 1 hour into the waiting, so I was okay. All the other times, the instructions/seating of students only took about an hour, so I was okay. It was less of a problem than I thought it would be but I think this was because Ellie was born 11 days early (and thus was older and going longer between nursings) and because we worked hard to mimic the test conditions before the actual day.