Fix~ma for the pain, Susan.
ION, hold me. I have to go shopping for a black demi lightly-lined spaghetti strap bra in either a 36C or 38B, as my favored Bra Of Doom has sprung an underwire. This model is actually fairly hard to find, and should I locate such a thing, I will buy 3 of them. I fear this will require a trip to the mall. I'm scared.
Easy shopping~ma, juliana. I do hate the bra shopping. Better, I think, to know exactly what you want, though yo are still stuck with the whole finding it and getting the right fit and all that.
Honey nut cherrios: (mm, I'm hungry)
Bra shopping is easy for me. I go to Frederick's of Hollywood and get the same bra every time. They last for 1-2 years depending on useage and they are
Bra~ma to juliana. ('Cause it's more fun to say than "shopping~ma")
I have a doctor's appointment in a couple of hours. It's mostly a, "Hey, I haven't seen a doctor in over 2 years," kind of appointment, and a little bit of a "Why did I get two periods in three weeks and how can I avoid that in the future?" kind of appointment. [whitefonted for girly health stuff]
Being the worrier that I am, a part of me is thinking that I'll get there and the doctor will find dire problems. So, you know, if there's any minor league health~ma floating about (or possibly, "Don't be a silly git~ma") that would be appreciated.
85 is perfect.
65 is perfect, if it's sunny.
LJ, iff'n ya want, I'll lend you my copy of HP6.
That is such a sweet offer, and I may take you up on it. You're planning on being at the dinner for Abi week after next, yes? You could bring it then if the library copy hasn't come through yet. (Or, you know, I could just spend the $20.)
Just about to scamper out the door with Emmett, but before departing I felt it very important that all cat-owning Bitches be alerted to the existence of this astounishing product.
Ooh. I wonder if that would work on the Sophie? She's not easily daunted.
I have discovered throug having a digital thermostat for my air conditioner that 73 F is my favorite temperature ever. 72 and I need a blanket. 74 and I'm sweating. I don't know how sun affects it though, this is all indoors.
Nothing dire~ma, Calli. I hope your white-fonted girly health stuff has an easy fix, because that certainly should not keep happening.
that certainly should not keep happening.
From your fingers to Overlord Xenu's ears, thanks. Although Ben & Jerry's stock would see a distinct upward nudge if it did.
Although Ben & Jerry's stock would see a distinct upward nudge if it did.
Oh, dear, that's given my conspiracy theory centers horrible ideas. I may have nightmares.