Unfortunately, it looks like I'll have to drive to work from the interim home instead of taking hte bus. The nearest bus stop is only four blocks away, but Hubby observed what he referred to as two "Latino social spots" between the house and the stop, and he doesn't like the idea of me walking past them. I'm not sure if he meant gang hang outs or what.
Hubby: "If they knew you and knew to leave you alone, I'd say go ahead, but educating hooligans is messy."
Are you posting from class, Gris?
My undergrad grades would have been even worse if I'd had the infinite distractions of the internet available during lectures. Scary thought.
How can it be only Tuesday today? It ought to be at aleast Thursday.
eta: that's too bad you'll be driving, Connie, but your husband cracks me up
Are you posting from class, Gris?
Yep. Bad student me. Should be listening to discussion about how to set up small groups within a classroom for the best learning environment. Instead, just wanting to go back to bed.
How can it be only Tuesday today? It ought to be at aleast Thursday.
Yes, this.
ION, gronk. I think I'll just cut a hole in my head, pour instant coffee and a little hot water into it, and jump up and down.
Should be listening to discussion about how to set up small groups within a classroom for the best learning environment.
Hey, we talked about that in my teaching class! I led a small group discussion about television as a social activity.
ita, please stop making me cry this early in the morning.
That may well be the most demented link Betsy has ever found in her long and colorful history of creepy-link-finding.
And thank GOD they put an actual (relatively) unretouched picture of a reasonably normal little girl in there every now and then. Though, upon reflection, I can't tell whether the normal girls diluted the overal hideousness of the page or made the others worse by contrast.
Wow, those Natural Supreme pictures look so out of place.
Make the icky living baby dolls pictures go away. Their eyes! Their eyes!
Glad I'm not alone in finding that page very creepy.