We had pizza for dinner. It was too damned hot to cook. But our fruit was grapes.
Also, I went blueberry picking today. I think "squatting in the middle of a U-Pick blueberry farm" is now the weirdest place I've ever nursed.
I still count nursing in front of co-workers as my weirded place (mentally).
Ugh. I am exhausted. I promised Emily I was going to do laundry today, but it's gonna wait till morning. She won't know the difference, 'cause it'll be done before she gets up. But, I still feel guilty.
I can't believe how tired I am, though. Amazingly, I did everything else I needed to do today...even picked up J's girls from camp and hung with them for a couple of hours. I'm not sure how I'm going to find the energy to stay up and make dinner, though.
Seriously, quitting the AP was the best thing I ever did for my wetness level, and I'm also more comfortable in the hot weather.
I will second this enthusiastically. Also, Tom's of Maine is wonderful stuff.
I have to go against the grain here -- I'm using Tom's right now because I was in the earthy-crunchy store when I last needed deodorant, and I'm seriously considering chucking it and switching back to my beloved Secret Baby Powder. Without going into detail, I just don't feel like the Tom's does a damn thing other than smell nice and lavendary when I put it on.
I really haven't gotten into the Shins. I kind of like "Kissing the Lipless," but I haven't heard enough to hear why they're the GREATEST BAND EVER OMG.
I think they're oveerrated. A few nice songs, but ultimately forgettable.
My local library branch has no books, or relatively few. Even the sparse bookshelves are embarrassingly bare. Everything has to be ordered (by computer, of which they have many) from the main branch downtown, or by ILL. I used to love the downtown library, but they seem to have remodeled the library-ness right out of it
*Thanks the thousand little gods for her very library-ish local library, where books and nooks are both plentiful, and where they were nice when I called today to find out why the Harry Potter waitlist isn't moving. About which -- I've been at #344 for more than a week. Return your books, Arlingtonians!*
One of the funniest revelations ever was that Buffistas (as a group) tend to be horrible library patrons and outright book thieves.
Ack! I'm so glad I missed that conversation, because seriously?? The idea makes me want to cry or scream or something. I love individual books, but I love the idea of the library more. And besides, if you love something, set it free. Or return it so someone else can love it. or something.
And we had pizza for dinner, and I believe I will now eat some cherries.
If I apply for a job at the library do you think they'd hold it against me for having over due library books?
really overdue?
Becuase I want to apply for the position I found.
There is a period of adjustment when you make the switch from AP to D, but as I made it about 13 years ago, I don't actually remember how long it took for things to level out, or if any clothing was damaged, as sweat stains aren't an issue when you don't wear light colors. I think it might have taken a month or so.
The rare occasions when I use an AP, I feel skanky as hell the next day. It's like my body has a sweat hangover or something.
There is a period of adjustment when you make the switch from AP to D, but as I made it about 13 years ago, I don't actually remember how long it took for things to level out, or if any clothing was damaged, as sweat stains aren't an issue when you don't wear light colors. I think it might have taken a month or so.
yeah, I've been using this stuff for over a month now. I think it just isn't strong enough for me, which is weird because I've never been an especially sweaty person.
if you love something, set it free.
Not if you love something, pay the fee?
I had it
I didn't love the Tom's deo when I used it. I wanted to and I love a lot of their stuff but, like Lyra, the deo just didn't leave me feeling very fresh.
I like saying "deo."
Deo deo deo.
It's so hip!
Totally hip.
Also my spelling sux today. I have a better chance of getting it right if I abbrev.
I just keep hearing "deo for my b.o." And I sound twelve. I want to look for Tom's of Maine stuff. I think they have it at the Natural Market a block away from me.