No browsing in the stacks? Man, that family really never learned to read, did they? My local library branch has no books, or relatively few. Even the sparse bookshelves are embarrassingly bare. Everything has to be ordered (by computer, of which they have many) from the main branch downtown, or by ILL. I used to love the downtown library, but they seem to have remodeled the library-ness right out of it, made the actual books inaccessible, removed the long tables where you could spread out your term paper or the research you were doing into the several sub-groups or chapters. Even the children's corner is changed. It's constantly noisy, now, with videos playing and "interactive" toys that make noise. There are a few shelves of picture books, but the kids go for the padded playpit and the toys, rather than the tables and chairs and the books.
I have never dated a brass player, so I can only speak from personal experience. Er.
Not as bad as the immobilizing back spasms from hell back in May, but some of my neck and shoulder muscles are so tight right now that it hurts to bend my head forward or move it from side to side, and writing sends little needles of pain through the sore spots.
This sucks. Why is my body betraying me like this all of a sudden?
If the four ibuprofen I'm about to take with lunch don't help, is there any reason I shouldn't break out the flexeril and tylenol 3 for this? I just want the muscles to loosen up so I can write again, and not be in such constant pain.
No browsing in the stacks? Man, that family really never learned to read, did they?
Supposedly the order came from someone other than Bush and the rule was supposed to protect the valuable books. Books that were so valuable Bush was ready to sell them for next to nothing.
Most people think it was ruling made of spite.
Y'all do know that "tonguing" is part of a trumpet player's technique, right? They even have sub-categories like Doodle Tonguing, Double Tonguing, Speed Tonguing and Softer Multiple Tonguing. You gotta be careful about overworking the embrochure though
Flute players use double tonguing, triple tonguing and flutter tonguing as well. I would venture that most brass and woodwinds (except maybe reed instruments) use some form of tonguing. We're very good at it.
a scholar in a library is just like a swinging primate. “You’ve got your current source, which is the branch you are on, and then you see the next source, on the next branch, so you swing over. And on that new hanging vine, you see the next source, which you didn’t see before, and you swing again.”
Yes! I have done this on many occassions. But, I did get my grad degree before computers were used as much to say nothing of my undergrad degree.
How do you prevent people from browsing in the stacks? Were the stacks inaccessible? A large portion of my university undergrad general library was like that.
Not as bad as the immobilizing back spasms from hell back in May, but some of my neck and shoulder muscles are so tight right now that it hurts to bend my head forward or move it from side to side, and writing sends little needles of pain through the sore spots.
I've started going to a chiropractor and I already feel better. Not great yet, but def. better.
The main branch of the library isn't very well designed. When I was living in a small town north of here, I commented about how nice their library was. The librarian said they visited several libraries to get ideas and used our library as an example of what not to do.
I am feeling better today. Drained and exhausted but better. After I logged off last night, I actually fell straight to sleep. Take that you frelling insomnia fairies.
I'm so sorry about the meltdown. But a vacuum ultimately is a small price to pay for an epiphany. I'm glad things are a little calmer for you now.
It was also ironic. I loathe vacuuming, really really loathe it. I will seriously not vacuum for months if I can still see the color of the rugs through the cat hair. Floors are my house-keeping downfall. Like kyptonite. Which last night was my downfall.
Also, vacuum totally had it coming. You should replace it with the Dyson Animal model. OK, it is crazy expensive even on eBay where I got mine. But it is awesomely awesome on pet hair. My rugs are a new color.
t runs to check eBay
Can you get insist-y at your office about getting some AC in there? Working in a hot office all day isn't good for the coping skills, no matter what is going on with you, sweetie. I'm also not sure it is legal.
I am going to try and check today to find out what is happening on this. If there is a legal room temperature, I know we soared past it on Friday but I don't know about yesterday. But, yes, the crankiness at the office isn't just me. We all pretty much just went to email yesterday.
This was the one that Toto just laid next to with his head on his leg.
We likes him.
For her, every book is sacred
Am I the only one earwormed with a Monty Python song now?
I told her I was going to be looking for some job here to support me, because at least I'd be making some money. She of course said that's why I should come home, so I wouldn't have to keep losing money. And I said I understood that, but I was staying here.
Go team P-C!
so I finally said, "You don't have to understand, I've got it taken care of," which is so my favorite thing I've said today.
It is mine too. Do you realize how much better you sound today? It's wonderful.
Now I've got to go figure out my armpit grain
Mine whorls all around. Which apparently why shaving sucks so badly and why it takes three directions if I get waxed. I need permanent hair removal obviously.
Can anyone recommend a really powerful women's antiperspirant?
I like Secret. For just deo, I like the crystal ones. No odor but you can still sweat. I wore only that much of the time in Phoenix. Sweating was good there, stinking was not.
Em learned to drink from a cup, give kisses (which she does open mouth and it's funny, especially when she does the third thing she learned) and stick her tongue out.
Em's learning to kiss with tongue?
Oy! I have cramps today. Nazi death cramps kicking my pale tummy with their shiny black boots.
I love the new hair lib! What a change too.
Book-free anythings are wrong.
Well, I know my PT could fix this, but I don't see him till Thursday.