Deena was here!!!
Nick, happily playing his guitar suddenly looks up at me and says, "I bet being a jazz musician would make you a better lover."
Not enough shudder in the world.
It really doesn't help that I think he's right. It really doesn't. Oh god, I am never having kids.
Wait. Why? I think he's right, too. Jazz is sexy.
He tried to say that was a universal you and had no bearing on the personal you, but it was too late.
Oh. You thought he meant
you you, Deena? I totally thought he meant himself/one, since he was playing the guitar. Of course, now I'm putting my dh and me in that scenario and I'm seeing an awful lot of teasing of dh if he said that to me, like, "Not tonight, dear. What do I look like--Duke Ellington," or something.
On the other hand, I've stopped the sobbing for the moment. I feel like this could be a good thing.
Oh, Cass. Can you get insist-y at your office about getting some AC in there? Working in a hot office all day isn't good for the coping skills, no matter what is going on with you, sweetie. I'm also not sure it is legal.
libkitty, your hair looks wonderful!!!
Hi, ND.
I'm with Cindy - is it the 'thinking about Nick having teh sex' that's the squick, or is it 'Nick thinking about [Deena] having teh sex'? 'Cause I think he made a good point. But he's not my kid. (And, Jesus, I hava a bit of a visceral Cliche Irish Father response about my wee sister having a sex life, and she's 22.)
PC, babe, so sorry about your situation. Lots of good suggestions here, and I have to agree that for the moment getting a McJob will help you with the shrinking bank balance and the parent sitch, and it looks good on the CV, even if it's nothing to do with your career goals - it shows that you're not sitting on your arse, you're working hard.
I am totally with JZ on the awe about you being able to line up 9 months' rent ahead of time. Fucking hell. Dude.
Meanwhile, re: the parentage thing - I know it's not quite the same, but I think I kind of get your parents' context for all this, and you have my sympathy. My Egyptian friends live with family or spouses - and once they're living with spouses, it's in the same building as their family. My whole living-in-another-country deal, with the not-pining-for-my-parents thing just boggles their minds, because it's so cold and alien, from their perspective. But I love my family more than anything else in the world, and I'm more grateful for them than I am for anything else in the world, and I'd take a bullet for them, and they're my greatest blessing. But I don't have to prove this by living on their doorstep. They'll always be in my heart, whether I live next door or on another continent. It's much easier for me to be my own person when I'm not with them., that said, I'm off to the airport in a couple of hours to fly home to the UK, where I'm going to spend a couple of weeks with them. I'm going via Milan. Hopefully none of my planes, buses or trains will be bombed.
Hi Fay!
How's the maus?
Not bad. Have to run into the Glendale offices in the morning to finish running some backups, then it looks like both of my current projects with The Maus are essentially wrapped. I'm working on a few theatre projects for the next bit. Pre-Production work for A Christmas Carol this week, then work on a new design for a theatre here in Burbank after that with a trip up to Ojai to be the production manager for the Ojai Playwrights Conference.
I'm with Cindy - is it the 'thinking about Nick having teh sex' that's the squick, or is it 'Nick thinking about [Deena] having teh sex'? 'Cause I think he made a good point. But he's not my kid. (And, Jesus, I hava a bit of a visceral Cliche Irish Father response about my wee sister having a sex life, and she's 22.)
Gah. I just realized now that I completely put "Greg" where I read Nick.
Okay. Totally get the shudder, now. But yeah, largely, I'm with Fay. He's a grown up. He's quite beautiful. And it is fantastic that he feels he can be so open with you, Deena., that said, I'm off to the airport in a couple of hours to fly home to the UK, where I'm going to spend a couple of weeks with them. I'm going via Milan. Hopefully none of my planes, buses or trains will be bombed
Oh! Sweetie, have a safe flight, and a good visit home.
I'm working on a few theatre projects for the next bit. Pre-Production work for A Christmas Carol this week, then work on a new design for a theatre here in Burbank after that with a trip up to Ojai to be the production manager for the Ojai Playwrights Conference.
Is theatre your favorite, Drew?
Is theatre your favorite, Drew?
I adore theatre. It's where I was trained and I've been doing theatre work in some form since I was 5, so my entire life has been connected to it.
However, I find that it is well balanced by all the other things that I get to do and love to do. They all combine to make a great balance.
Bar~ma to Stephanie, hugs to beth and Cass and P-C.
Sunil, the Bitches have your back, whatever you decide. But I think you should keep in mind that traditional Indian culture doesn't quite have to have the level of manipulation and guilt-tripping you are getting. Your parents are scared - it would be a lot easier for them if you would stick to the script: Become a doctor, live at home until you marry someone they've picked out, have lots of grandbabies for them. They have provided you with opportunities that aren't traditionally Indian because they really do want the best for you, and they want your best to help the family...but they didn't figure on the part of the bargain where your best might not be what they had in mind. It's a different life script, it's scary, and they've tried their best to make you into a passive person who will wait around and do what you are told, rather than an active person who will generate his own luck and create his own life. They can't see (and might never) that you could be independent and living your own life, and still be a good part of the family, but you can.
Sometimes "tough love" works from child to parent as well as from parent to child.
IOchildNews, I have to admit to being woefully unprepared for the effect that the fiber in rice cereal would have on Mal's diapers.
However, I find that it is well balanced by all the other things that I get to do and love to do. They all combine to make a great balance.
That's so great.
IOchildNews, I have to admit to being woefully unprepared for the effect that the fiber in rice cereal would have on Mal's diapers.
Heh. Wait 'til you try oatmeal.
I apparently have no content...just excitement at seeing everyone.
My favorite potential from yesterday emailed me overnight to let me know that he has decided to look at a few more places, but we are high on the list. He even mentioned that Toto is one of the reasons we are high on the list. Damn, this guy just keeps winning his way in.