"So I think the subtext is the bear and the hare have a thing going on." - Paul, to Lillian, about Not the Hippopotamus.
They totally have a thing going on... (This is why people *should* want to be parents. I mean, not neccessarily the animal slash...)
"So I think the subtext is the bear and the hare have a thing going on." - Paul, to Lillian, about Not the Hippopotamus.
Also, ow. Almost snorting absinthe up your nose while laughing while trying to swallow? Painful. Just in case anyone was curious.
Are you using the spoon?
The Absente is
I am, I fear, a trifle tipsy from my glass of it. But it made my headache go away, so tipsy is
Yay! I wish I liked the taste of absinthe even a fraction as much as I like the idea of drinking it and the whole ritual.
Yay! I wish I liked the taste of absinthe even a fraction as much as I like the idea of drinking it and the whole ritual.
You and Pete. But yes, if you don't like the taste of aniseed, absinthe is going to be a not very pleasant experience.
Oh that sounds just lovely...
Tipsy and no headache... Mmm...
But spoons and noses are ouchy together. They are unmixy.
The cat is sprawled in front of the a/c. She found the cool spot. Smrt.
Mmm. Absinthe.
Of course, my serving size of any booze now is about 1-2 tablespoons. Which means my scotch is going to last ages.
Me, I want to know what happened at the party where the Hippos went Berserk. Because if seven hippos heading west left six hippos quite distressed, well, there's totally a missing scene in there.
Ugh. What an exhausting evening.
Annabel was one of three toddlers there at tonight's cookout--Sara and Johanna are a few months older. The other two girls mostly stuck with their parents. They did not have to be chased at a run to keep them from plummeting down stairs. They did not grab the doggie's tail, nor did they pick up the doggie's toys, place them in its mouth (and this is not a tiny dog, we're talking big mouth and big teeth here), and then take them out to chew on themselves. They did not grab any unattended cup within reach and drink from it. Nor did they grab handfuls of ice to carry around with them every time they wandered by the drinks table. If they were curious about something, they poked it with a single finger rather than grabbing it with both fists.
I wondered aloud if the difference was that the other girls were a little older, or if there was something about toddler discipline DH and I needed to figure out. The couples there who had more than one kid said, no, not at all, you just happened to draw a different personality type than the other girls.
This too shall pass, right? Before I drop dead from exhaustion or a heart attack?
I am guessing that is what you get when you get an inquisitve child. Soon it will be the Why?s.