Cindy, I tried your ham and butter sandwich today. SWEET LORD. I never knew a sandwich could taste so good! Last night I also tried a bite of my friend's escargot. I am sad to report I couldn't get it down, and had to spit it into my napkin.
It's not mine. I've never had it. I'm thinking from Nora's reaction that maybe it was her sandwich. I have eaten roast beef and butter though, which is good, too.
I'm hatehatehating my hair because the gray is coming in on the roots and I need color and I'm dithering about pregnancy/hair color issues and feeling like a complete slob.
My hairdresser said that the cap was fine. If highlights will disguise your grey, you might want to try it. My OB wouldn't even give the thumbs up for the cap, because (a) He knows I'm a chicken, and; (b) He said why bother, it's only 9 months.
Easy for him to say. He looked 12. A little grey might have made me not feel like I was getting an internal from my lab partner.
I've mentioned that my OB is a woman with kids who bleaches her hair, right?
No shit was given to me. I asked!
I did use low-chemical tints from the second trimester on (henna for the first tri), but the grey didn't really get to see the light of day, not even for nine months.
I dearly love the ham and butter sammiches -- could have been me. Aren't they sublime?
When I get home I take off my clothes and put on something comfy, usually a tshirt and underwear
Does this mean you usually don't wear underwear out of the house??
ham and butter sandwich
Ham & butter? Just ham, butter & bread? Trying to picture....
Our grocery store makes a fabulous ham and butter sandwich. Baguette. Good ham, sliced thin. Good butter.
Bother, I can work again...
I think I am going to try using just a little while I am at work. Not all the time, but sometimes...
This is how crack works, isn't it?
I can only get a babysitter on Tuesday and Thursday, and my hairdresser is only open MWF...but that's okay as she lets me bring Mal in and park him in the corner. Which is fine as long as we aren't doing color, as I don't want him exposed to the fumes. He's protected from the hair bits.
I don't really have gray. I have a few bright white hairs, but not enough or close enough together to make gray. I'm not sure how this happened, as my mom was completely gray by age 20, my dad was completely gray by 30 (the little bit of hair he had left), and my sister was completely gray by 30.
Ppffbbtt! I wouldn't be getting it cut "Hec-short" anyway, as I'm the one person that would make you say "You know, long hair is better." I look like Carol Burnett with any short cut.
I wish I were home in bed with JoJo (kitty) reading Harry Potter. This sounds heavenly right about now.
ChiKat-- no I wear underwear, I just phrased that badly.
I have these boxer sleep shorts I got at Lane Bryant a couple of summers ago that are so comfortable. I don't think they make anything like them and I haven't found anything like them recently.
I just got an e-mail from the coolest sounding potential roommate. He's a reporter for the Washington Post who lives in Boston but will be on assignment in Baghdad for the next six months. I can't think of which is cooler - that he's a reporter, or that he'd basically not live here for six months!