Do I want these shoes?
The answer to this question is always "Yes," even when they aren't Fluevogs.
I love the Ellie photos!
Ooky female stuff health question: My niece has been trying to conceive and was recently told her hormones were too out-of-whack to do so. Apparently her testosterone level is 200 (I don't know what it's supposed to be). Rather than giving her hormones, she had a D&C done yesterday. I know that she and her mother are something of surgery hobbyists - they are not hypochrondriacs, exactly, but very into recreational medical care - so my first (and second through tenth) reaction is that this was an un-needed operation. Am I wrong? Would a D&C help regulate hormones to allow conception? My eleventh reaction was that the D&C was done to take a biopsy, is why I'm asking.
Ooh! La bebe! Cherie!
Exhausts bad French.
I am wishing so much that I could bring all my Bitches le pastry. So nummy.
hi Lilty! How's France? Are you in Paris?
Perkins, I think you should see if you can get a paid sponsor position: Japan Wants to Increase World Sushi Consumption
Time for the Wally report! (I've decided to christen my love life Wally. It seemed to fit.) Well, so far this week (as I've already indicated), I got a rejection from a wredheaded writer who had strongly piqued my interest; but a follow-up to a cold call generated a name and phone number. All up, it put me in a good position.
Naturally, I forged ahead! Since it had worked out so well before, I reestablished contact with some other nonresponses. I found a few new potential matches on other sites and got in touch. I also signed up to a new dating site (lavalife), on which I found no fewer than six more profiles worth chasing up. Total number of outstanding messages: 12, if I'm counting up correctly.
The pick of the bunch: a 29-year-old who lists as her hobbies surfing on the Web, Star Trek, and playing computer games (including RPG). But she's a previous nonresponse. I'm not sure if I made my case well enough; there's a fine line between keen and desperate. But I do hope she replies (hopefully not to mention a restraining order).
In addition! I have made some minor edits to my profile to better bring out my manly side (I'm pretty sure it's the front). Apparently there are six traits that are worth highlighting here: presence, intelligence, strength, passion, direction and humour. I have the first and last pretty well covered, the others are worth further consideration.
Finally, I have received (unsolicited), no less than two winks! One is from a chef, I wouldn't have got in touch myself (she smokes), but if she's interested, may as well see where it's going. The other is from a 19-year-old student nurse in Perth. This causes more in the way of a raised eyebrow. (I mean, I'm in her age range, apparently she's willing to go up to 50; but I feel, very strongly, that I'm missing important pieces of the picture here.)
Nonetheless, it has so far been a rather active week. And I have another speed dating event this Saturday. It's very tiring, this being single business.
Oh, I forgot one other thing. There's a woman at work who's going to another firm, I think tomorrow's her last day. If I get a chance, I reckon I'll ask her out too. I know I've already made a good impression, though I've no idea if it stretches to romantic considerations. But especially since she's leaving, I have nothing to lose.
so Wally is moving forward apace. BTW, your intelligence comes through in your profile.
I loved the pictures of Ellie.
Hi Lilty- mmmm, pastry.
Oh, my. I am dead from the cute of the Ellie pictures. What an absolutely gorgeous family!
Raquel, I have absolutely no idea, but something sounds strange there.
billytea, I wish I had half your energy. We may need to sit down and chat so you can give me some tips. Go you!
Busy day ahead here. Gotta get ready for Toto's party, which is tomorrow. Today we start baking and make the strawberry ice so it's nice and frozen. Wheeee!
Huh. I just received another smile, from someone in Papua New Guinea. That was unexpected.
billytea, I wish I had half your energy. We may need to sit down and chat so you can give me some tips. Go you!
Oh, it's not energy, really. There are many reasons why I'm a one-woman kind of guy, but the conviction that any more than that would exhaust me is in there somewhere.
Oh, it's not energy, really. There are many reasons why I'm a one-woman kind of guy, but the conviction that any more than that would exhaust me is in there somewhere.
I guess we have different definitions of energy :) I'm glad you're enjoying the process, though. I've been thinking about trying a speed dating event here in Cambridge, and check the website frequently for upcoming dates of events. But, I have yet to actually go to one. I keep thinking, "I'm too busy to date!" But, with that attitude, I may never date. Maybe after I find a roommate...
Speaking of roommate...I posted our Craigslist ad last night. So far I've gotten four responses. I think that's pretty good. I hope we find one that's a good fit. I'm a little anxious about this whole process.
Speaking of roommate...I posted our Craigslist ad last night. So far I've gotten four responses. I think that's pretty good. I hope we find one that's a good fit. I'm a little anxious about this whole process.
Hey, after finding a roommate, speed dating will seem like a snap.