My therapist didn't call back till 3:30pm. Good thing I didn't wait for her to call back. She must have been in a meeting or something, 'cause it never takes her that long to return a page...even when she's in session.
I'm not exactly sure what happened. I had been doing ok, then suddenly I wasn't. Now I'm exhausted. I treated myself to Wendy's, 'cause I was starving.
DH says birds or baseballs. Maybe we could get the birds for everyday, and the baseballs just for trips to the ballpark....
Hee. I was thinking the exact thing.
VW, I hope things go back on the upswing for you.
Yep, sticking to condoms and temperature charting for safe times here.
After the initial discomfort, most people wind up with reduced or eliminated bleeding and cramping. My OB mentioned using it as a treatment for overly-painful periods. I'll trade minor discomfort at the beginning for a potential five years of hassle-free nookie and a reduction in communist activity.
I was curious, Plei. I'll be considering said procedure post next baby because I want to BF as long as possible next time, and because, quite frankly, I was a little scared by the recent announcement of deaths related to the Patch. I don't think I'll ever be able to go back to being able to remember to take a pill every single day about the same time. Of course, DH could take care of the issue, too, but that's being tabled for future discussions.
It's not bad, all things considered. Worse than a pap, better than childbirth, and much better than having to take that stupid pill. We discussed the male option, but determined that the fertility preserving method was best at this point in time. The goolie becomes a no-fly zone for a week while things get settled, but it's only a week.
Also, if you take the Advil before you go in, I hear it helps.
It's not bad, all things considered. Worse than a pap, better than childbirth, and much better than having to take that stupid pill.
I'm willing to wager it was probably similarly as uncomfortable as the LEEP procedure I had a few years ago. The worst part about that was the damned shot of epinephrine they shoot you in the thigh with that makes you shake and your heart race. Bleh.
{{{vw}}} Glad you made it through.
Worse than a pap, better than childbirth, and much better than having to take that stupid pill.
I've been thinking about going this route, but I was pissed that our insurance didn't cover it at all. It covers vasectomy, though, which seems weird.
Maybe we could get the birds for everyday, and the baseballs just for trips to the ballpark....
Those shoes are adorable. We might have to try them.
vw, I'm sorry you had a rough day, but yeah! on the making it through. I'm really impressed at how you made it through on your own. Asking for help is important, and knowing when to is even better (you were perfect there). But you soldiered through even when the help you wanted wasn't there. I know I'm not always able to do that, so you should be proud. Also, they say this makes things easier next time. Here's hoping!
Maybe we could get the birds for everyday, and the baseballs just for trips to the ballpark....
I think I linked to the baseball ones a while ago. I'd choose those. but the birds are very pretty. The ladybugs and the lions will show dirt too quickly.
We just got Owen a plain navy pair.