Baby needs a new pair of shoes....
Nice non-pastel flowers?
Baseball, or does buying these mean I'm somehow condemning myself to a future with a sports-hating daughter who bitches about going to M's games, refuses to sign up for Little League when the time comes, and somehow finds out about those stupid pageants and asks to enter them herself?
Not sure I'd risk it, Susan. I like the birds, though.
Go you, vw. You should have lions on your shoes.
I like the Ladybugs best, but they are white so they'd probably get dirty fast. So, instead, I choose flowers!
Yay, vw!!!
Mirena TMI ahead (the deed, it's finally freaking done):
Damn, that's like having an uncomfortable dental procedure on your cooter! Down to the shots and the clamps, even. Pain level of the event: worse than cramps, but better than transition labor.
Also, voices can suddenly sound like they're made out of metal when certain nerves are pressed, and not only did I forget to take an Advil before I went in, I forgot to lock the house. Meep! However, everything is still here. And the cramping is slowly fading...
Yeah. The two parts of my body I have to let strangers with metal into: the vagina and the mouth. What's WITH that?