I am quite shy, and prone to cling to my spouse when at a party. Not because I don't like other people, but because they scare me.
If I were part of a couple, I could see myself doing this at parties where I didn't know anyone else. Parties where I knew people, OTOH, would be a different story altogether.
I am quite shy, and prone to cling to my spouse when at a party. Not because I don't like other people, but because they scare me.
If I were part of a couple, I could see myself doing this at parties where I didn't know anyone else. Parties where I knew people, OTOH, would be a different story altogether.
Yup. I'll stick by Z if I don't know a lot of people or if I don't feel quite comfortable. At parties with our friends, all bets are off - though we do make a point of checking in with each other as the night progresses.
One of the signs that the WBB was the one for me was that hanging out with him was more fun than hanging out without him 90% of the time. I still have plenty of fun on my own, but having him be home when I am there does not feel like an imposition or a distraction*, which it would with, oh, anyone else on Earth.
I'm always perplexed by couples who go to parties, and then never leave each other's side (or lap) all night. I don't get it -- you're going home together! You're going back to the same place -- why can't you mingle freely?
Because we enjoy each other's company more than we'd enjoy mingling. There's really not much more to it than that.
Because we enjoy each other's company more than we'd enjoy mingling.
But then why even go to the party? (I'm not trying to be obnoxious; I'm just curious.)
Because there are likely to be drinks and music and other friends there. Staying close to the SO doesn't have to mean ignoring everyone else.
I have an etiquette question that has nothing to do with mingling at parties.
My upstairs neighbors, who are my landlord and his family, hang their laundry off their back balcony. Which means that when something falls off the clothesline, it lands on my balcony. They are not in the habit of coming down to the backyard and then climbing up on my balcony to check for stuff (thankfully).
The problem is that, other than the occasional clothespin, what rains down onto my balcony are the 18yo daughter's thong underwear.
Do I:
a) Set them somewhere in the stairwell that someone from the family will see, and collect them?
b) Give them to her father when he comes by to check on us?
c) Go knock on their door and explain in German/Greek/English while holding her undies?
d) Throw them into the backyard like they fell there?
e) Attempt to slingshot them back up to their balcony?
I'd throw them into the backyard.
t edit
Everything I'm posting today is just making me look like the biggest misanthrope/avoider-of-human-interaction EVAR.
I'd say a, though e could be fun.
f) sell them on ebay?
g) pass them along to the underpants gnomes in return for a cut of future fortunes (if they ever get step 2 worked out)?
I'd go with a).