Anne, your mom might find some practical help for her dad and siblings (and relief for herself) through the local visiting nurse association, and whatever county or state programs are available for disabled and elderly. If she doesn't know where to start, she can ask to speak to a social worker at the hospital where your grandmother is.
Oh, Anne, I'm so sorry. Peace~ma and prayers to you all.
Anne, your mom might find some practical help for her dad and siblings (and relief for herself) through the local visiting nurse association,
Oh, she's been doing that, along with trying to get legal documents drawn up, etc., but once she returns back to St. Louis (Nana, etc. are in MA), everything starts falling through the cracks again. Papers get lost, appointments are missed, etc. and so forth. If it weren't for the fact that people would suffer because of it, Mom would tell them to take their passive agressive BS for a long walk on a short pier.
{{{Anne}}} It sucks being the one in the family that everyone else leans on, especially when it's a tough emotional time anyway. Lots of strength to you and your mom, and to the rest of your family.
chocolate chip cookie dough pop-tarts:
everything starts falling through the cracks again. Papers get lost, appointments are missed, etc. and so forth
Ugh. This sounds just like what my husband went through with his grandfather's hospitaliztion and death last year. Everyone else in the family got intentionally helpless so that he would have to deal with everything.
Everyone else in the family got intentionally helpless so that he would have to deal with everything.
Such things make me sort of glad to be the family outcaste. I've got enough to worry about on the home front without having to cope with Pennsylvania issues as well.
{{{{Anne}}}} Much strength to your mom.
Much strength to Anne's family and a peaceful transition for her grandmother.
I'd so read BJ's book. Hurry up and write it, please.
Bless you WindSparrow, this is exactly the encouragement I need!
I'll keep you posted.
Timelies, with a side of gronk.
It's non-fiction. Based on my treatment process, which I call Innerstory™. The process is based in 'understanding, embracing and rewriting your Innerstory™.
Beej, that sounds very cool. Writing~ma!
Lots of health~ma to Maria's future MiL. Hope everything's okay, hon.
Anne, that's a really tough situation. Sending coping~ma for your mom.
{{{vw}}} It sounds like they're being really understanding and trying to work with you, which is great.