My new hair can (kind of) be seen here.
Ahhhh. It's a good day. What a perfect pile of white blonde curls! I still need pictures of scrappy and Cindy haircuts. Liese too for that matter.
Ple, I am very certain that JZ would love to share her handiwork with Tim.
I just discovered that Ellie likes Liz Phair. (by likes I mean stops crying)
eta: and The Killers, apparently
Hee! Owen's a nudist. It sucks when they learn that before they're trained.
That's how my Cousin pottie trained her daughter! The deal was that if Caitlin did a good job all day, she could run around naked for a while before she put her pull-up on for bed. And that child would RUN. I was sitting on the couch when naked child bolted into the room, flipped from behind the couch, over my head, and into my lap. SO funny.
Awww. Owen is such a cutie. Can anyone nilly me the most recent post of Lily pictures? I missed them in my skipping and skimming.
I'm at Mom's beach house, hiding out from the heat for a couple of days. It is foggy and gloomy here, but it still feels like a mini-vacation from life, so it's all good.
For your Sunday night leisure-time: The Victorian Sex Cry Generator.
"Redouble the active energy of your thrusts, lest I die from my own inflamed appetites!"
sj, new Lily pictures start here: [link]
Happy Birthday, Juliana!!!!
/me chimes in with the Birthday wishes for Juliana. Happiness to you!
Owen and Lily are cutie-pies! I think I've got a nudist in the making as well - every time I take Mal's diaper off, he does a little break-dance of happiness on the changing pad.
I would let him run around nekkid, but I am afeared of his Mighty Powers of Peeing. He hasn't hit anybody for a couple months, but still...second time I mis-timed the diaper change, he peed around me and into the toilet, hitting nothing else. That's a feat he won't soon repeat, no matter how much of his college time he spends practicing.
That's a feat he won't soon repeat, no matter how much of his college time he spends practicing.
Bwah! Too funny.
Toto is getting groomed this morning so he looks especially cute for his birthday and the pictures that will follow. He's always a cutie, but he's especially cute right after grooming with his little bandana around his neck.
I got quite a bit done in the apartment yesterday, considering. I'm looking around this morning, and I am pleased with how far it has come. That doesn't happen often, so I'm gonna bask in that feeling.