Spike's Bitches 25 to Life
[NAFDA] Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risque (and frisque), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.
He went at midnight to Borders last night. When they got there, they were number 400. It took them FOREVER to get their book. But, he said it was much fun.
I hung out at the Borders too. I don't know how many people were there, but it was, in fact, much fun. I wrote about it in my non-non-LJ diary.
It pisses me off that every time I start to like people again, some idiot reminds me what fuckheads they can be.
He was so cute when I talked to him on the phone. He's like, "People were dressed up as characters and everything! And not just the kids!" I'm like, "Wecome to fandom, dad."
Cindy, I must admit to still being a fangurl. Every time I go to the comic store I have to pick up a couple packs of Spike trading cards. I've got about half the set now.
P-C, you might be interested to know I went to a local production of Pirates of Penzance last night. It was quite fun and had some awesome actors/singers. Many of them are vocal students through UW.
Oh, very cool! I saw
The Mikado
when I visited UW. I...actually didn't like it very much, but I'm glad you enjoyed your production!
I wrote about it in my non-non-LJ diary.
Now you're just trying to mess me up, which is unfair, because I'm all sickly and such.
Cindy, I must admit to still being a fangurl. Every time I go to the comic store I have to pick up a couple packs of Spike trading cards. I've got about half the set now.
I still have potential to be that sort of fangurl. But the waiting in line for anything? Not so much. And at midnight? I think I'd wait in line at midnight to see Jesus, and that would be about it.
How long ago was that P-C? This particular group (the Madison Savoyards) only puts on one play a year, they're strictly G&S. Last year was Ruddigore, this year was PoP. The last time they did Mikado was 1998. I'm guessing you saw a UW production. I'm not always impressed by them.
I'm guessing you saw a UW production. I'm not always impressed by them.
Yeah, that's what I saw, in 2003.
I'm sitting here in the office chatting with you guys and crocheting. I can't believe they pay me to do this.
I'm working on these very beautiful and delicate rose napkin rings. They're amazing, but use a very small crochet hook and take a fair amount of concentration and skill. They are taking forever. I was hoping to have four or six of them done by this weekend. Looks like I might get one done, if I'm lucky.
I'm bad that way, too, vw. I look at something and think "cake." It's a rude shock when it takes me 2 months to finish something I thought would take 2 days.
I am not a strong finisher, in general. When I return to work, I will be seeking employment as Idea Girl and Starter Girl.