I'm not sure his girlfriend would agree.I am convinced there is a one rub free pass for the freshly shorn. Tell her it's a scientific experiment or something. Maybe she'll let you if it is for the sake of science.
I love the freshly cut feel of it. I used to have this friend whom I never oosted for but damn he had hair... If he grew it a little, the curls at the back of his neck were fun and when he cut it really short... I don't think I ever kept my hands off.
A woman at the supermarket today had a huge shiner. It intrigued me at the colors (it was still quite dark) worked really well with her complextion and hair. I don't think it will look as good in the yellow tones though.
and that he was welcome to go outside and get laid. He just pouted, and looked gloomily up at the bookshelfApparently he's got a kink for the mysteryfur.
Too funny.