I think the doubt from people who don't know you is something you have to just allow to pass without dwelling on it, Allyson. I mean, the internet actually is full of fakes and phonies who try to make themselves seem important via lies and exaggerating their connections to fame. The skeptical instinct that's leading them to voice disbelief (erroneously in your case) is probably actually healthy in general—less likelihood of them falling for scams that arise out of fandom.
But you know the truth of your involvement in online fandom, and so do the people who know you.
Allyson, there's the angle that you write about at least one fake--and you write about people like me who weren't actually fakes (as far as y'all know, she says twirling her moustache). And then there's why people might think you're one of those selfsame fakes.
I'm a fake and proud of it!
there's the angle that you write about at least one fake
That's actually a really interesting question, IMHO. How does anybody knows that anybody online isn't a fake? How did you guys know that I wasn't a fake, before I met you? How did *I* know, for that matters? Hmm.
I'm a fake and proud of it!
Weren't those Cindy and Frank?
I feel like an imposter; does that count?
If you feel like an imposter, but we believe you (um, either that you're an imposter, or to what you show us), would it still count?
I denounce victor for faking being a fake.
Weren't those Cindy and Frank?
They're fictional. Totally different vibe.
And we possibly have a whole Ben-Glory vibe thing going, or would, if I had a better wardrobe and some minions, and Frank would just go be a doctor.
They're fictional. Totally different vibe.
I denounce victor for faking being a fake.
I think you're just faking denouncing me for faking being a fake.