Also: Lazarus Churchyard. Fell. Desolation Jones. Switchblade Honey. Black Gas. Strange Kiss. Stranger Kisses. Atmospherics. Scars. Reload. MEK. Orbiter. Ministry of Space. Two-Step. Bad World. The Apparat books. Come In Alone. Ocean.
And Next Wave, which I need to go get this weekend.
Something for everyone. Or nearly.
I just read his LJ. Comic books confuse me and make me feel violent.
Even the ones with zombies?
I haven't read my zombie one yet.
I haven't read any of Warren Ellis' comic books but my friends pictures have been in his flickr mosaics a few times. That's how I know him.
Maybe it's just as well I didn't give you the one about the superspy gorilla. Although it does feature a zombified Stephen Hawking.
Although it does feature a zombified Stephen Hawking.
Heh. What does he do? Ram people with his wheelchair, hoping a brain falls into his mouth?
Dude. Transmet. Worthy legacy all by itself.
Love love LOVE Transmet. Even if I do think that Spider sometimes looks like Pete's evil twin.
As I recall, Hawking just says "Braiiiiins" in a computer-synthesized voice. Then the gorilla kills him. As one does.
That's by Matt Fraction, not by Ellis, just to be clear. And it is genius. Ellis did write an afterword thing for it (I think it's actually an intro in the TPB):
If you want something clever, find an Alan Moore afterword. They hire me because I'm always drunk when I write these, and that's what the kids like, fuckface.