Podcast with Tim: [link]
21 minutes in. (Just try to blot out the fact he's pegged the Exec Producer of Serenity).
Uncle Tim (no, really, I'll stop using that expression soon) talks about YOU GUYS. OR GIRLS. OR FANS. AND NOT ASSCAPS. Along with the premise for Drive, being cancelled, and it contains possibly my favourite quote ever about why Tim's stories sometimes focus on women.
My name is Kevin, and I'm a Tim Minear fan.
ETA: The excellent "Thief Of Hearts" aired last night in the UK - we're nearly at new episodes, people.
Pretty good interview if you can get past the extremely annoying and uninformed woman doing half of the interviewing. Tim was very gracious by ignoring her mistakes.
Faction in fandom and Iraq. I fucking love that.
Another Drive Casting Wish: I haven't seen Lindsay Sloane (Grosse Pointe, Bring It On) in anything in a long time. Maybe she'd fit in somewhere. She could be Amy Acker's sister!
Also: Is Katie Finneran busy?
Katie Finneran should totally be Tim's post-Angel hat trick. Also, you can never go wrong with Alexis Denisof and Adrian Pasdar.
Alexis Denisof. That's my new campaign. I had a mini-campaign for Tim for Serenity 2, as I want to see Tim do major motion pictures. I even got Joss on camera a great many times saying (of his own free will, torture wasn't needed) Tim should make a sequel. What I forgot was the bit about Universal wanting to make one, which was kind of a show stopper.
So, anyway, Alexis! Drive! Uh, please.
Tim's mentioning of usenet and Angel seasons 1 and 2 is interesting. I wonder if he was refering to UMTA? Personally I thought UMTA had a good cross section of people, and wasn't too fan frightening.
Edit: corrected Vodka induced mistakes.
Ok. I'm listening to this podcast thing, and who are these people?
I kind of hate this lady.
I kind of hate this lady.
Ah! BartlebyFink says what I really meant.