L&O is out on DVD up to at least the 14th season (!). CI and SVU are also out, though I don't know how far along they are. CSI: Vegas is out up to at least the 5th year; the other two have at least the first year out.
And yeah. Why buy DVDs when they're always on some channel?
Making a DVD costs time and money. The executives at Fox have many projects that demand time and money; they're going to pick the projects that seem most likely to be successful. It is an economic decision.
DVDs are not expensive to produce once you have all the content lined up. The DVDs themselves cost the studios pennies. We already know Tim preserved deleted scenes and other goodies. The original pilot can be added to the mix. There's already existing interviews of the cast and crew they can cannibalize for the DVDs. With everyone and their brothers creating podcasts on their home computers nowadays, doing commentaries that way (like Ron Moore with Battlestar Galactica) is relatively inexpensive. Other than that they can just slap the episodes on some discs and it's good to go.
Well, no. They have to get DVD clearance for any music used and pay for those rights. They may have to pay producers up front for DVD rights, depending on the original deal. T
They have to get DVD clearance for any music used and pay for those rights.
The Las Vegas DVDs* are hysterical this way -- they didn't bother to get rights to *any* of the music used in the show, including the opening credits. It's all been replaced with cheap generic royalty-free crap.
*Don't blame me, they were on the Free Table!
Well, no. They have to get DVD clearance for any music used and pay for those rights.
Didn't think of that. I know that's a problem with certain shows but I thought most shows nowadays plan ahead in that department, working out a deal for both TV and DVD at the same time.
I know that's a problem with some shows that only paid for the music rights for broadcast but I thought most shows nowadays plan ahead.
"Planning ahead" costs big money -- home video rights aren't cheap. Unless a DVD release is guaranteed, the studio's not going to pay in advance for rights it may never need.
I've heard music rights are much easier to come by outside the US. Considering other countries have shown or are showing every episode of The Inside, are the chances of a DVD release abroad better? I'd gladly import the series if that were the only way to get it.
P.S. Does anyone have an mp3 (preferably 192 kbps) of The Inside Main Theme by Robert J. Kral & Andy Ross?
I've heard music rights are much easier to come by outside the US. Considering other countries have shown or are showing every episode of The Inside, are the chances of a DVD release abroad better? I'd gladly import the series if that were the only way to get it.
Since the company that owns the show and (presumably) the record companies and artists that own the music are American, I doubt that official foreign distribution would be any easier than domestic.
Can we all get back to being resigned that there aren't going to be any The Inside DVD's? At least until we hear from a power higher up.
In the meantime, when will there be a DVD of Allyson's book?
Since the company that owns the show and (presumably) the record companies and artists that own the music are American, I doubt that official foreign distribution would be any easier than domestic.
It wouldn't be easier,but it's not unreasonable to think that the Australian DVD rights (just for example) would be cheaper than the American DVD rights, but it depends entirely on the record company and how they like to do business. (And also whether Fox thinks there's an Australian DVD market to begin with.)
(I should mention that I know nothing about music licensing firsthand -- I'm extrapolating from my relatively thorough knowledge of broadcast footage licensing.)