Bones, is at 9 pm Wed for the moment
In CST it's on at 8, Sheryl. (I'm not sure where you're at, but Sumi and I are in Chicago and Madison and that's Central time.) It's nice knowing it's going to be moved, though, because right now I'm taping Lost on one TV for my daughter and taping Bones on another TV for me.
Bones will be back at 8 on wednesday, the first week in March when AI goes to it's normal half hour shows.
It is doing well in this time slot though. Last Final numbers had over 12 million,per media week.
Hmmm, just as Bones gets moved out of the Wed 9 logjam, Law and Order moves in. My VCRs are gonna be getting quite the workout.
Is that the new Law and Order "Convictions" or the old one?
We should get dressed for company and pick our underwear up off the bathroom floor. Whedonesque'd but not a direct link.
Yeah, I was thinkin' a direct link would be a bad idea.
As I said on Whedonesque, congrats (uhm, again) Tim. It's nice to see people who's work I like making it up the creator chain.
Plus, a Magnolia reference. I loves me that movie.
Edit: I have to ask - the title.. what's that about? Although, thinking about it: probably the show.
Noticed a comment on Whedonesque which assumes "Drive" is a sole created by, which it isn't. It's created by Ben Queen and me.
Oh, bollocks. That'd be me.
Heh. Uhm. My bad.
I do believe James Marsters and/or Alexis Denisof are available...
I think I'd eat my cat to see Alexis on a show I actually like again. Which is probably not a good thing for the cat, really.