Earlier tonight a friend asked, "So what does a producer do, exactly?" While I showed her Wonderfalls. I said it had something to do with beagle-maintenance.
It's really, really difficult to keep yourself from giggling when you know the ambulance is coming.
Allyson wins at life! Yeaaaa! ::runs around in circles:: (see Apocalypse)
Go Allyson! This is so cool!
I'm all happy and proud and shit.
Woo Hoo Allyson!!! So happy to read the news. You deserve it so very much.
go allyson! congratulations!!!
Woo! Congratulations!!!
t selfishly thinks how easy X-mas shopping will be this year.
Well, hot diggity damn. Congrats, Allyson.
Hey Allyson! Congrats! That's awesome!