If you're looking for better programming, I recommend Blues Clues, The Backyardigans, Dora the Explorer, Go Diego Go, and for slightly older children, Arthur and Cyberchase.
I may have said too much.
The Backyardigans song rocks. 64 Zoo Lane is a nice little show, too. I have Dora and Cyberchase fatigue, but they are good shows. Arthur is fantastic. I still love Mr. Rogers.
Gah! While I'm greatly amused to see news about my cats, there was a loud NOOOOOO when I saw that my keys are being left at Allyson's, because those are the only copy of the keys, and without them, I will have to sleep on Kristen's couch Saturday night until Allyson returns on Sunday. :-( Don't suppose there's any chance of getting them to Kristen?
Sure there is. That's what I was unclear on, when you were returning.
Coolness. I'll be back late Saturday night. Hmm, I should probably go check my flight times to be sure....
The Backyardigans song rocks.
I get a kick out of their dance numbers too.
64 Zoo Lane is a nice little show, too.
Never heard of it, but I will check it out.
64 Zoo Lane links: [link] [link]
Boobah has the best website ever, if you're really stressed out or high.
OK, that was fun. And I wasn't stressed out or high.
Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal, George Clooney
Philip Seymour Hoffman, Jack Black, Steve Buscemi
Billy Crudup, Hugh Grant, Cillian Murphy
Albert Finney, Michael Caine, Sean Connery
So many times, the answer really is FFF.
So many times, the answer really is FFF.
I'm now hearing Fuck Fuck Fuck to the "Jingle Bells" cadence.