Thanks again, everyone! I'm feeling less sad about it today. Still disappointed but I can actually talk about it now. And, thank god for that, since I'm sure I'll have to give my little, "I didn't get it but it's okay" speech another dozen times before Christmas is over.
I wouldn't be surprised if the dark was a negative factor.
HA! You are not the only person who has said this to me. Truth be told, I don't look at the current ABC schedule and see a place for me. But it was mentioned in my interview that they have some procedurals in development. So maybe something will turn up down the road.
Fortunately, I did make a contingency plan. So now that I've gotten the mope out of my system, I'll write the Cold Case spec and start on my original sample in January. I also need to find a writers group and sign up for a playwriting class.
Disney or not, 2006 is going to be a busy year.