From the soaps, crafts and procrastination thread... to FCM and castration. Hmmm.
Has anyone seen/heard/read anything from Fury about the coming season of 24?
I have not. Probably Natter is the place to ask. Or maybe Spoilers, but in that case, beware that it's a non-whitefont thread, so you could run into any info. on a variety of shows.
There you all were, having a PERFECTLY FILTHY conversation about FCM, and I elevated the subject into the pure realm of Muppets.
And it all went downhill from there, really.
Sex with inanimate objects, possibly underage? Twisted, I say, twisted. Not pure.
why do the words "pot" "Kettle" and "black" keep going through my mind?
why do the words "pot" "Kettle" and "black" keep going through my mind?
C - Pot, F - Black, M - Kettle
I've just skimmed eighty gazillion FCM posts, and all I have to say is that all of you need to get your hands OFF Jareth. Mine, I tell you. All mine.
I was wondering where you were, Jilli.
That one was kind of for you, but don't tell anyone else.