About Justin?
Today, I heard he's working with someone to try and lower his voice. Because, you know, it's not like his old voice was award winning or made him millions or anything.
ETA: Jesse, I like all musical!Justins. I like good-ol'-rentboy!Justin, scary!stalker!Justin and jean-&-t-shirt!guitar-playing!Justin. I'm not so sure how I feel about serious!actor!Justin.
I meant about Disney, but Justin is good.
Oh! Nope. My in-person interview is next Tuesday. I'm not sure at what point after that they'll make their decision.
I'm oddly non-psychotic about it.
Hey, now that msbelle is home again, do you think you can send me the files soon?
Oops! Sorry, I forgot.
On its way to your inbox now.
I'm not so sure how I feel about serious!actor!Justin.
Me neither, but I don't think I like it.
My in-person interview is next Tuesday.
More FCM:
Dave Nelson, Jimmy James, Bill McNeal (News Radio);
Andy Travis, Johny Fever, Venus Flytrap (WKRP)
Isaac from Sports Night, Jimmy James, or Arthur Carlson (WKRP)
Jack Bauer, Michael Vaughn, Fox Mulder
160 posts of FCM? wow.
Andy Travis
This was Gary Sandy's character, right? I've worked with him and I don't think I can completely separate the TV guy in tight jeans from the very personable, slightly paunchy, sweaty, middle aged man I knew.
Jack Bauer, Michael Vaughn, Fox Mulder
F Mulder (but with Bauer's voice), M Vaughn
How do you F someone with someone else's voice?
and yes on the Andy Travis.