I'd be all "honey, whatever happened to the astoundingly dirty sonnets? all your astoundingly dirty sonnets are about God, anymore" and that's just no good for a marriage.
Although, dude, if you were Donne's wife, he'd have gone to prison for you. How hot is that? He secretly married his boss's daughter and spent some weeks in Fleet Prison for it; when neither he nor she would renounce the marriage, he was released. They spent the next few years poor and semi-desperate (in addition to being a poet and a sailor, he was a lawyer, though not a prosperous one), and her father didn't deign to acknowledge her again until eight years later.
They also apparently had lots and lots of Teh Sex, poor things--she had twelve children in sixteen years and died in childbirth. But he was totally smitten with her, suffered for her and worked like a dog for her, and turned to God after she died because he didn't see much point to worldly pleasures if she wasn't around to share them with him.
So that's the basics of Donne. If you could just throw in some good reliable birth control, you'd have one hell of an M.