- F-Ryan, C-Seth, M-Sandy
- F-Logan VM, C-Logan GG, M-Sark (there would be adventures)
- F-Wes, C-Jack Sparrow, M-Inigo Montoya
- F-Marco, C-Jack, M-Jase (I know, I know, one should marry Marco)
- F-Zhang Ziyi (she changed her name to this way wound), C-Michelle Rodriguez, M-Michelle Yeoh
- F-Matthew McConnaughey, C-Ben Stiller (ew), M-Owen Wilson
Pierce Brosnan, Paul Bettany, Clive Owen
F, C, M:
M - Owen Wilson, C - Ben Stiller, F - Matthew McConaughy
F - Ryan, C - Seth (IT PAINS ME TO DO SO), M - Sandy
C - Logan (GG), F - Logan (VM), F - Sark (There is no M there. No M.)
C - Westley, M - Inigo Montoya, F - Captain Jack Sparrow
I can't believe all of you people are getting rid of Gilmore Girls' Luke. Insane. All of you.
I am in such agreement with Plei about the pain of chucking The Seth. EXCEPT. Well. What else can you do?
Dana he's not on the list!
Dante, John Milton, William Blake
I gotta go with ita on this one:
F-Zhang Ziyi (she changed her name to this way wound), C-Michelle Rodriguez, M-Michelle Yeoh
Batman, Wolverine, Frozone
Whoa. Totally read Luke for Logan. It's either time for more cold medication or less.
Zhang Ziyi (she changed her name to this way wound)
Again? She needs to frelling PICK ONE.
FCM: Dante, John Milton, William Blake
Can't choose. Ich bin illiterate.