Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Since we have determined that I am going to get fuck all done here at work today, I am going home. Or maybe, instead, to the Bean, where I can smoke cigarettes, drink lattes and feel generally pleased with the world around me.
Sounds like a very good plan, Kristen. Have a latte for me too!
And point to random people and decide what things will befall them when you are Queen Writer of All the World.
For future reference, my face has already been ripped off, so the only option left is shoving a roman candle up my ass and sending me to ita's moon.
OH KRISTEN! I'm so very very very happy for you!
Hooray, Kristen. I see that I will someday soon be forecasting royalty revenues on characters created by you.
KRISTEN!!! Right the fuck on!
Fury said, "That's great! Sweet. I'll keep my fingers crossed."