It's definitely not in Avalon, since I took one just before boarding the ferry...sadly I can't remember if I took one again that day, but I certainly haven't yesterday or today. I'm sure it's here, but it's not in the normal path of things.
Back to searching! Dinner should be here soon.
eta: Aha! On the bedroom floor under the luggage!
Also, is it your glasses that we have, ita?
Yup, those are mine, thanks for saving them.
Okay. Now can y'all figure out where my opthalmogist put my motherfrelling replacement lenses? I haven't had any far vision for a month, and the lenses were supposed to have been ready a week after they were ordered. Then they were supposed to arrive the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Now they are apparently in Cloud Cuckoo-Land. And I can't read Powerpoint.
Echinacea, vitamin C, and zinc.
Skip the echinacea if you have a ragweed allergy.
Also, a good stave-off-the-throat/lung/nasal-doom method is to eat a clove of raw garlic in the morning when you start getting the initial symptoms. Kinda harsh, and doesn't do wonders for your breath, but it's worked for me.
BartlebyFink, my suggestion is to gargle with as hot as you can stand it saltwater.
Noah Drake reappears on GH on Friday:
How fun Sue. It's a different set of parameters when a show has been on the air 40 years or so.
Kristen, a while ago, I sent you my itunes library list, in (I believe) unicode text and you were able to send it back to me as an Excel file.
If I sent you a number of smaller files, would you be able to do the same thing with them?