I'm pretty sure my mother told me about it when I was pretty young, but I did not see it at first. A nice thing about the stories though, is that they're still lovely stories, whether the religious ideas they can reference mean anything to you, or not.
This is me. It looks like they're doing a pretty good job with the movie. I'm looking forward to seeing it. Hopefully it will take the place of LotR for holiday viewing (I hope that they're doing the series. Mushing together is just no good.)
Also, have you watched Aidan? Because, perfect song.
Enough with the taunting already. Have some pity upon us poor DVD-less folks! Or, taunt all you want, but send us DVDs.
I just watched Aidan today. So great.
Now I'm watching e-ring. I can't figure out if Dennis Hopper is really short or Benjamin Bratt is really tall. Either way, watching the two of them walking side by side is amusing.
Everyone keeps mentioning Aidan, and I think they're talking about Deena's son.
I have wanted to ask what Aiden is.. but Little scared it is something major I have missed and now I will look the fool...
Oh well that is why god invented ice cream
"Aidan" is an unaired episode of The Inside.
So I think the actress who played Paul's pregnant wife is in The Night Stalker pilot, playing
Kolchak's dead pregnant wife.
And Hem's Cradle Song at the end?
OMG! I have seen Hem in concert, and hung out with them after.
I saw the first post and Tim's response earlier but it didn't register that this was the band my friend has been playing bass for for much of this year. And it probably still wouldn't have dawned on me except for two things: 1) "OMG!" was the first post I saw right now, and 2) I met Sally, Hem's singer, today. I was having brunch with George (the bassist) & his family when she walked in.
Cindy, me too. I have "Aidan", but haven't watched it yet due to the whole dead baby/my baby thing.
I had to point out the Christian allegory elements of the Narnia books to my parents when they found out I was reading "another book with witches!" in. They were not entirely mollified.
I look forward to the movies. I hope they just make good movies and not try to hammer in subjects that have been very subtle unless you know they were there.
The poster is very cool.
I must report to my Hem-loving friend all about these heretofore unknown fans! Cool.