Selfishly, I'm most bummed that I got robbed of throwing that party. Music would have been most excellent, and Tim would have had to make some big speech while silly fangurls brought him gifts of beenie baby beagles and such, and I would make every attempt to not soil myself upon meeting Peter Coyote.
So much fun.
Selfishly, I'm most bummed that I got robbed of throwing that party.
You really did. That would've been quite an event. My brain hurts trying to think of the themed ideas involved. Plus you could totally choose a beagle rescue as the charity.
People rescue beagles? From what, tragic overabundance of cuddles?
For Tim, donations go to My Friend's Place
I saw a pair of beagles shivering on a car roof that was going under when I was watching GMA this morning and they were covering pets who had to be abandoned.
V. nice. I love that they provide veterinary sources -- if a kid won't come in for his* own sake, maybe he'll* come in for his* dog's**. * ( Insert your gendered pronoun here.) **(Or bitch's***.) ***(That's the singular possessive, dummy.)
should anyone accidently burn a copy of Aidan to a DVD, I'd happy cover shipping costs.
also, secret to Allyson -
DUDE! I have all the stuff to make you cookies and keep not having the time, BUT I promise - they will be on their way soon.
Secret reply to msbelle: do i have to share them with Tim, or should I wait til two days after I have them to tell him i got the cookies and tell him I am "busy" and I will eventually share the cookies when I am no longer "busy?"
Allyson -
I've never met Tim and so don't really believe that he exists. The cookies are for you because you're the prettiest and the book agent havingest.