She just wanted to make his first apocalypse special.
When Hallmark just won't do?
Hey! That's my birthday, too. I've never known another 10/7 person. And I still don't, technically, I guess. Still... one step closer.
It is also my sister-in-law's birthday.
I like you better.
Not that she isn't perfectly lovely in her perfectly Orange County ways... She is, of course perfect.
(And, bonus round, I'll likely remember your birthday now too.)
((Invisible internet people can be real...))
(((Or so I've heard)))
((((I've lost count of my parens))))
Aw, I still like "Tomorrow." Evil Connor entertains me so much.
Also, did I hear correctly that you're recapping Herb Saunders, FBI Agent?
Mmmmyessssithink? That's why I asked if I could quote you before. I'm subtle!
I like you better.
Yay! (I have no shame)
((And I'm sure she is... but, still, I win!))
Okay, who stole my RS:INXS thread? Just put it back where you found it and no one has to get hurt.
I can't wait to read it. I have so many issues I wouldn't know where to begin writing them down myself.
When Hallmark just won't do?
When you care enough to give the
Kristen, is an XL mothership t-shirt okay? That's all they have.
Oh that's fine, Perkins! Thanks! I'm so happy to have one, size doesn't matter.
Well, in t-shirts anyway.
Kristen! I know! I'd just FINALLY got to the end of it and by the time my post was ready -- the thread was locked.
When you care enough to give the very best.
I think you misspelled "something real."
(I have no shame)
Shame is for those other people...
sumi, it's a vast conspiracy! I needed to talk about the return of crazy conductor arms! And GGMC getting teary! And Ty's bitchface (now with added SLAP)!
But I'm locked out. It's just not roit (for OB:INXS).