Well, both Wesley and Lindsay, while dying onscreen, were under contract to Wolfram and Hart. Those contracts are unlikely to be voided by mere betrayal and we know death doesn't cancel them. So, yeah, dead, but so were Lilah and Holland and they're still wandering around doing stuff for the Senior Partners. I think a revenant Wesley would be an interesting approach to take. Especially since he specializes in moral ambiguity anyways. Be an interesting story, wouldn't it?
Also, I understand that the post-NFA Angel comic is canon(ish), so we know Angel's supposed to have survived. Thus far, the comic hasn't said anything about the rest of them.
I can see some interesting stories that could be told about post-NFA Spike, and I'd trust Tim not to devalue the rockishness that was the final scene.
Lilah was quite aware of the nature of her contract with the firm, though. I doubt Wesley would have signed one that included the Wolfram & Hart retirement plan with her example fresh in his mind, and Lindsey seemed to think he was free and clear of them after his resignation. Maybe only VP level and above got the perpetuity clause?
i'm actually pretty amused that a throwaway comment Tim made here has caused this huge ruckus throughout the fandom.
I don't really care one way or the other about a Spike movie. i'm pretty meh about the Buffy/Angel-verse being toyed with at all at this point. that's probably my own issues with having my favorite characters fucked over.
Of course, nothing may happen at all, and he'll finish Moon, and the next show will go to pilot, and there could be no Spike flick at all, and the 'verse is truly dead.
Which is what I'd like, truth be told.
Same here. I'd love to think the Jossverse could become the next "Star Trek" (dozens of spinoff shows, even more spinoff movies), but I think I'm satisfied w/ the way things ended on both shows. Especially w/ "Buffy," there was a sense of completion that you don't always get w/ long-running shows, and that was nice.
So, bad news, and good news. The bad news is, just when my DVD collection was beginning, w/ S1 of "Buffy" and "Angel", it's about to go back to square-one. (That's right. I'm selling them.) The good news, though, is that it's for a worthy cause: I think I'm about to get a good friend of mine hooked into the 'verse.
Gunn could have survived through some miracle. . . but Wesley is still dead, right?
I've got this incredibly indulgent fanfic in my head waiting to get out. In it, Illyria sacrifices herself to not only gather up enough strength to bend some time and un-do Wesley's death, but the effort also releases her from Fred's body, which has been protected by the nasty creature's crystal vomit...
I may be a bit pollyanna.
Wesley's under contract to W&H?????
Wesley's under contract to W&H?????
Didn't you read the fine print?
(One of the places that was reporting the Blonde Vampire Movie news said something about Wesley still being available -- yeah, in which case, so are Lilah, Lindsay, and Darla.)
I'll take all of them or any of them over Spike.
I'd watch an entire movie of Wesley just laying in that room bleeding to death over a movie All.About.Spike.
The thought actually depresses me.
Wesley's under contract to W&H?????
He was head of Research, wasn't he? The whole crew were VP or above level W&H employees. Only one I can see getting out of it would be Fred, what with her soul getting destroyed and all. As for Wesley's likelyhood of signing away his soul, the Wes who signed up probably thought he was going to Hell anyway what with the Connor betrayal thing. Fred, Gunn, and Lorne don't strike me as the sorts to check the fine print, and Angel didn't seem like he really cared much at that point. End of Season 4 Angel Investigations was kind of a bleak crew.
As for Wesley's likelyhood of signing away his soul, the Wes who signed up probably thought he was going to Hell anyway what with the Connor betrayal thing
But wasn't he surprised Lilah had done it?