Well, Connor's still around.
I understand the "if they were alive, they're alive" thing, and that's fine, but I don't see why Connor's got to be alive if others aren't. I mean, sure Angel sent him away. But does he really think that all the evil baddies can't figure out who he is, or at least that he might be important given that Angel spent his last day with him? Plus, the coming to save the day in the fight against AB (can't think of the character's name now, but it will come) isn't exactly low profile.
This is SUCH a Schrödinger's moment. They're all 50% dead until Tim opens the script.
Okay, Fred is 99% dead; Lindsey and Wesley are a mere 75%, as we saw them die but nobody said "They are totally, utterly, no-give-backs pinky swear dead."
So they're only mostly dead?
Lindsey and Wesley are a mere 75%, as we saw them die but nobody said "They are totally, utterly, no-give-backs pinky swear dead."
they could be brought back at any time. We saw Willow take the bullet out of Buffy, so we know it can be done. Maybe Eve?
libkitty -- Hm. Well, I don't think that Angel & Spike & Illyria & Gunn & Wesley & Lindsey & Eve survived the end of the show. Connor did. Nothing has happened in that fictional world since the show ended, because... the show ended. Therefore he's still around there.
This all sounds very reasonable in my head.
This all sounds very reasonable in my head.
That happens to me a lot, too. Me. In my own head.
I... am just interested to see what Tim does with it. I'll take whatever timeline, and if it's post, hope I can wave the hands. Hell, I watch the Stargates and Alias. I am le Pro.
I don't think that Angel & Spike & Illyria & Gunn & Wesley & Lindsey & Eve survived the end of the show
But didn't the show end
anything happened to Angel and Spike and Illyria and Gunn?
the soap conversations made more sense to me.
Of course, nothing may happen at all, and he'll finish Moon, and the next show will go to pilot, and there could be no Spike flick at all, and the 'verse is truly dead.
Which is what I'd like, truth be told.