I'm not so sure about Lindsey. He really pissed of the Sr. Partners, so I could see them keeping him around as a chew toy.
He did get killed upon completion of an act of good, while committed to the cause of fighting against Wolfram & Hart. It probably wouldn't have lasted, but Lorne capped him during a moral upswing.
Hmmm, may have just discovered a new layer that makes Angel ordering his death more sensical.
Lorne capped him during a moral upswing.
Oh, that's right. I forgot about that.
As far as I'm concerned, everybody I saw die is dead until informed otherwise (Lindsey, Wesley, Fred, Anya.) And the same goes for everybody I last saw alive (Gunn, Angel, Spike, Connor.) I don't care how unlikely their post-NFA survival might be. We've seen them all get out of impossible scrapes before.
I'm gonna sit with Dana in the nobody's dead corner.
I'm across the room in the everybody's dead corner.
I'm going to have some Doritos.
I'm outside digging up corpses for my own nefarious ends.
I've read too many fanfics where Buffy, Faith and all the other Slayers in the world leap from the rooftops to save the Fang Gang. And then they all laugh afterwards, and have cups of tea or bananas possibly.
Lindsey's dead.
::soooooooob:: i still have issues with this. i have subscriptions with this.
Time hasn't passed for them. So I'm where Wolfram is. They
They haven't yet.