Illyria may have bugged me even more than Fred, which hardly seems possible, but I don't think even the prospect of a Shirtless-Gunn movie would make me wish for a postscript. I'm trying to think if there's anyone who --
Well, Connor's still around.
Connor could kill Spike. And then go hang out with Faith. And her new special friend Justine. At Lorne's new "fucked-up people" club. In Vegas.
...Yeah, I'd be okay with that.
"Shut up. I rule. Play that part again."
It's like when Teletubbies grow up. And get bad ass.
I've got to learn to post faster.
"Shut up. I rule. Play that part again."
I love when I get to update the ol' random quote generator.
Illyria may have bugged me even more than Fred, which hardly seems possible
Fred annoyed me horribly. Illyria showed me that it wasn't the actress, it was the character. I'm not sure how I would have reacted to her otherwise. I think I was just grateful that I'd never again have to hear how handsome man saved her from the monsters. And I liked the blue. She could have messed Conner up all over again.
"Gimme gimme this, gimme gimme TTTTHHHHAAAATTTTT!."
handsome man saved her from the monsters.
Why would you... Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't done.
Why would type those words? Why? Still, the dreams come! Aaa! (And so on.)
Whew. Um. Sorry about that. No, I agree with you about Fred, and that Amy Acker was very good as Illyria, and it was refreshing to see her do something besides babble quirkily. But for me Illyria was like having the pointlessness of Fred plus a lot of bad sci-fi "what is this thing you call 'love'?" cliches. So it wasn't much of an improvement.
Oh! Phantom Dennis could be at the club. 'Cause: ghost. He could be the bartender!
Why would type those words? Why?
Oops. I'm giving? Figured I shouldn't be alone with the pain? Have a death wish? Pick and choose at will.
Mostly I think, for me, AA's characters were good for bringing the pain to Wes. I liked Wes in pain.
Phantom Bartender Dennis would be good. I bet he'd get your drink right and pour a little bit generously too.
On episode 10 when The Germs "Lexicon Devil" kicked in (Rebecca tunes her car radio to it and cranks it) I'm sitting at the back on my perch all: "Gimme gimme this, gimme gimme TTTTHHHHAAAATTTTT!." Everyone looks at me and I'm all: "Shut up. I rule. Play that part again."
Fuck yeah.
Still Wants All X Episode of The Inside (aka, "The Other Paulene Wouldn't Cooperate")
Well, we finished the sound mix on the last episode of "The Inside" today.
I was reading that, thinking it must be difficult and frustrating, working on something that may never see the light of day only appear later in DVD and not as it was meant to, and then I got to the description of the behind-the-scenes tech stuff, which made my geeky heart happy, so selfishly I was OK, and then
let's blow the roof off and hear it like some home theatre geek would
Made me happy with the sappy silver-lining aspect of enjoying it, and then
"Shut up. I rule. Play that part again."
Made me smile out loud.