You know, a month ago it seemed a good idea not to buy tickets on eBay for the premiere and tickets to Scotland (nearly $2000), in order to crash on a friend's floor in Glasgow, take the train to Edinburgh, and perhaps spring for one night's hotel. Today, this is not seeming like my best idea ever, although I suppose it was wise.
Also, we
to have
The Inside
DVDs. Have to. I have to continue my set of cancelled Tim shows.
I have to continue my set of cancelled Tim shows.
This makes me cry like the baby Jesus.
Tim needs to write in advertisingese:
It just exhuasted me and made me even more bitter.
It increased my exhaustion and now I come with extra bitter!
see, so much better.
It increased my exhaustion and now I come with extra bitter!
New and depraved deproved!
Tim is cute,
In his Armani suit.
His sweet crooked smile,
Left me beguiled,
While my heart was crushed under his boot.
We just ordered a used copy of
to complete our set of cancelled Judd Apatow shows. Still lots of room on our shelves for
The Inside.
Dang. I hit post message, and it took me to the beginning of the thread. Huh.
Let's try this again:
This makes me cry like the baby Jesus.
I tell myself that it's better to have cancelled Tim shows than no Tim shows at all. And yet, I find the bitterness growing in me as well.
it's just's just's just tv.
Nope. The mantra doesn't work.
I'd like to thank Simon at Whedonesque for blocking the punch.
Is that the article that AICN was mad about because Whedonesque didn't reveal its source?