A quick drop-in to share an excellent review of Wonderfalls from DVDVerdict:
Every once in a great while, an experience comes along that defies explanation. So different and so captivating, it's as if you're breathing fresh air for the first time. It immediately hooks you. You savor it. You crave it. And just like that, with little or no explanation, it's gone. A cruel twist of fate. Perhaps we just weren't ready for it. Perhaps its star burned as brightly as it could for as long as possible. Perhaps it was born into existence simply to show the world what could be, inspiring others to take up the torch and break new ground. Whatever the reason, you celebrate that experience and honor its passing. Such is the legacy of Wonderfalls...
Had the network given Wonderfalls a full-season commitment and complete promotional support, this would have been the watercooler show of the 2003-4 season. It's just that good! The writing and direction are fresh and inventive. The cast is one of the finest ensembles ever assembled. And the message it conveys is something we rarely see: Life is an adventure rich with unforeseen possibilities, so quit trying to control everything and enjoy the ride! Purchasing this DVD set sends a signal to the entertainment industry that audiences will seek out quality entertainment, despite the shortsightedness of network programming executives.
This court finds Fox Television executives guilty of first-degree series-cide. Their continued inability to see and appreciate the valuable assets they have on hand calls for a change in management and direction. Sentence is set for 50 seasons of solitary confinement with nothing but continuous reruns of excruciatingly painful shows that should have never lasted one season, let alone eight or ten, handpicked by Wonderfalls fans. Justice is served. Court adjourned.