How about a group marriage rumor: Tim, Joss, their wives, the entire cast of Serenity, and all the Buffistas?
That might be a bit over the top. I mean we aren't moonies....
Or Loonies, for that matter, staying somewhat on topic.
ETA: Besides? Not ready to share you yet, milady. Even as a rumor. Heh.
Do Moonies start rumors about group marriages, or do they just go out and have them? Or do they just have massive group weddings, and afterwards each couple is a separate marriage?
Allyson, why aren't you writing?
Same reason you're not writing?
Same reason you're not writing? it's where the best writers come to slack.
Oh gawd, as a movie adaption of Space Vampires, Lifeforce totally sucked donkey cocks.
But when casting the role of Nude Alien Vampire, Lifeforce hit it out of the park.
Kevin, I was about two rows behind you, don't remember any looks from fanboys, but I do remember that totally wanker that droned on and on and on and on and on, then instructed Joss not to sell out when making the sequel.
Any idea why no one dragged him out and quitely put two bullets into his skull?
Okay, I've now read two "Serenity" reviews that casually mention that Joss is married to Jewel Staite.
Good lord. Is this a strange Kai=Kaylee confusion stemming from crappy shorthand, or something? Most odd.
I am
very very very very
jealous of you Q&A-attending people. VERY jealous. All about the jealousy.
Well, tomorrow I'm off up to Edinburgh to see
Er. And hang out with my mate. But mostly see
Go me, with the ticket having! we know if there's any possibility of it coming to Cairo? We only tend to have maybe five or six English-language movies at a time in the whole damned country, so I've been assuming it'll be a no...but, oh, damn, I hope it does come. My flatmate (one of many whom I've converted to The Way of Firefly [Go Team Me! Really, at this rate I'm going to need to start selling off my excess toasters on e-bay]) is just gutted that she won't get to see it before we head back out to Africa.
Thanks for the heads up, Allyson.
I echo P-C's sentiments. I'm quite pleased with myself thatI actually managed a whole day before I caved to the tempatation...
It was pretty fucked up. The "dead baby" description is accurate, though the episode really isn't that gory, if anyone was worried. As usual, the disturbingness is all abstract. I don't know about the "feel-good" part. I'm not jumping for joy, though I get what Tim meant. I love all the mind games the characters play.
It disturbed the hell out of me in places! In a word? Brilliant.
That's a word I can live with, Partyman.
Are DVDs certain for The Inside? Because I can wait, but I can't deal with never getting to see the rest of the episodes.