I thought that the order of the episodes on the DVD ended up as the "official" one?
I still get terribly confused about that too. I watched the four "aired" episodes so many times, that now when I get the DVDs out they just seem to be in the wrong order to me! Very confusing for my little brain.
Johanna just emailed me to say:
You should tell Tim Minear that the Spike movie should take place when he lived in Xander's basement. And they should have a monkey. And that monkey should have its own monkey. Its own finger monkey! And they should have a catering business that involves lots of theme parties with costumes. And they should be in a band. And Clem should play guitar!
Think of all the possible montages!
But that's silly. Clem should play drums.
I would watch it if Spike is staked within the first 10 minutes. Then Clem could try out for INXS -- their reality show may still be running down.
There could be kittens!
I vote for kittens.
The monkey(s) could be fun too.
Spike leads a rag-tag fugitive fleet of, um... vampires to, um... the vampire planet.
3 words: Spike in Space.
A remake of Lifeforce? Best vampire in space movie ever. Probably the only vampire in space movie ever.
Probably the only vampire in space movie ever.
Don't forget the totally awesome Sci-Fi Original
Looks like Aidan is available on the down low at mininova.org.
Thanks for the heads up, Allyson. It was pretty fucked up. The "dead baby" description is accurate, though the episode really isn't that gory, if anyone was worried. As usual, the disturbingness is all abstract. I don't know about the "feel-good" part. I'm not jumping for joy, though I get what Tim meant. I love all the mind games the characters play.
Cindy, this is Scott's episode, I'm betting. He should totally see it.
For all you VM fans, this is the episode with Celeste Kane. And it has a character named Jake. Furthering my pet theory that Jane Espenson is a VM fan.
Surely this should be "Spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike Iiiiiiiiiiiin Spaaaaaaaaaaace"
t /Muppet voiceover