Do you have a humidifier? Making it heavy enough to stay still for the swiffer is the trick.
Interesting. Sadly, I don't have one.
If one does not have a humidifier, raising humidity in the house can be done with pots of boiling water on the stove, and fans blowing it out of the kitchen.
ETA: Someties Physics works with me, and I have placed a fan on the floor in the next room and pointed it towards the kitchen, blowing cold air into the room, which pushes the hotter, moisture laden air out into the rest of the house.
I think the tack cloth idea is great, Robin. I know it's what the floor sanders used, when they refinished the floors at our old house. Now I wish I'd thought of it when we demo'd our old kitchen at that house. The house was full of plaster dust. Nasty, icky stuff. I'd do the tack cloth before I tried the humidity. Tack cloth. Vacuum. Wash. In that order.
It's like she gives you a new reason every day, isn't it?
One day it was quoting
Watership Down.
Nilly, I think "a jigsaw puzzle" is the best answer ever.
Did they not watch that C.S.I. with Lindsay Crouse?
I think it was this incident that may have inspired the Lindsay Crouse episode of CSI.
And tack cloths! Geez, why didn't I think of that? That's a brilliant idea, Robin. I need to go to Lowes anyway. I'ma add it to the list.
I think "a jigsaw puzzle" is the best answer ever.
Oh, thanks, but it was just the plain truth, as I indeed was putting one together (5000 pieces, for my parents' living room. Which they ended up not liking and is still lying in my closet, now that I think about it).
You'll never convince me that all the echoes in "ReSurprise""Reprise" were unintentional.
Well that was on purpose, of course.
And you gotta have serious mojo to get the back-end.
When did Angel say that to Lindsey? S2?
Here's a tip: If the office has a roll-up door, you might not want to put your feet in the stirrups.
Funny. But I think those women knew the gyno wasn't licensed. Perhaps, they kept going, because his/her rates were cheap(er)?
You have more faith in people than I do, I suppose.
And I should not be allowed to go into home improvement stores unsupervised. A quick stop for a few things turns into endless wandering around the store going, "Ooooh. That's so cool."